Ruins là gì

ruin ruin (rʹĭn) noun1. Total destruction or disintegration, either physical, moral, social, or economic. 2. A cause of total destruction. 3. a. The act of destroying totally. b. A destroyed person, object, or building.4. Often ruins The remains of something destroyed, disintegrated, or decayed: studied the ruins of ancient Greece. verbruined, ruining, ruinsverb, transitive1. To destroy completely; demolish. 2. To harm irreparably. 3. To reduce to poverty or bankruptcy. 4. To deprive sầu of chastity. verb, intransitiveTo fall into ruin. ruʹinable adjective sầu ruʹiner nounSynonyms: ruin, raze, demolish, destroy, wreông xã. These verbs mean lớn injure và deprive sầu somethingor, less often, someoneof usefulness, soundness, or value. Ruin usually implies irretrievable harm but not necessarily total destruction: The fire ruined the books in the library. "You will ruin no more lives as you ruined mine" (Arthur Conan Doyle). Raze, lớn màn chơi lớn the ground, demolish, lớn pull down or break to pieces, & the more general destroy, to tear down, can all imply reduction khổng lồ ruins or even complete obliteration: "raze what was left of the đô thị from the surface of the earth" (John Lothrop Motley). The conquerors tried lớn raze the very name of the people"s national anh hùng from their memories. Both of the cars involved were demolished in the accident. The prosecutor demolished the opposition"s argument. "It became necessary to lớn destroy the town in order lớn save sầu it" (Anonymous major in Vietnam). "I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness" (Allen Ginsberg). To wreông xã is khổng lồ ruin in or as if in a violent collision: "The Boers had just wrecked a British military train" (Arnold Bennett). When wreông chồng is used in its extended sense, as in referring lớn the ruination of a person or his or her hopes or reputation, it implies irreparable shattering: "Coleridge, poet và philosopher wrecked in a mist of opium" (Matthew Arnold).

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ruinruin(n) wreông xã, debris, wreckage, shell, remains devastation, shambles, decay, destruction, collapse, disintegration, deterioration, lossantonym: regenerationdecline, downfall, defeat, fall, disaster, deathantonym: improvementruin(v) damage, wreck, spoil, mess up (informal), destroy, trash (informal), devastate, reduce lớn rubble, impairantonym: mend