a long, thin stick of wood or metal, often used standing straight up in the ground to lớn support things:
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Pole là gì
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Nâng cao vốn tự vựng của công ty cùng với English Vocabulary in Use trường đoản cú jualkaosmuslim.com.Học những tự bạn cần giao tiếp một biện pháp tự tin.
either of the two points at the most northern and most southern ends of the earth, around which the earth turns:
one of the ends of a magnet (= an object that both attracts and pushes away iron and steel objects) where the magnetic force is strongest:
The lightning strike created a magnetic field, similar to lớn that which exists between the north & south poles of a magnet.
one of the two points on a battery (= a device that produces electricity) where a connection can be made in an electrical circuit. One point is negative sầu and the other positive:
one of the two points at which a straight line through the centre of a circle cuts the surface of a sphere (= a ball-shaped object):
either of the two points at the most northern và most southern ends of the earth or another planet, around which the planet turns:
either of the two ends of a magnet or two parts of a battery (= device that produces electricity) which have sầu opposite charges
The internal pole is conceived of as belief, that is personal, & the external pole is conceived of as truth, objective reality, that is universal.
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The tent had seven center poles, và each section had a dish of mansaf, one of kharuf mahsh-, wi - one of salig, & so on.
The developmental forms found in the two poles were similar khổng lồ each other, but different lớn the population found in the mid-section.
Life can be tasted lớn the full only when activity và contemplation, doing & not doing, khung complementary poles, lượt thích those of a magnet.
This representation is further analysed lớn produce the parameters of sinusoidal, resonance, & pole/zero models.
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