Have you experienced moments when you don’t know what it is happening with your colleagues, friends, teachers, family members or other people? Have you seen them after arriving late to lớn some place or after hjualkaosmuslim.comng an accident? So, in this unit you will learn how khổng lồ express all those deductions you can have to lớn know what may have happened, might have happened or must have sầu happened khổng lồ those people you know.
Reyes, R. (2017)
In the reading section you will read about Sonya, & the things she found out when she got trang chủ from a weekend out with her friends. In the listening section you will hear a dialogue between two friends making deductions about a robbery in their business. And for the writing and speaking, you will make deductions out of a mix of pictures that you are going lớn be presented. This topic is important for you because you will know how to lớn make deductions about your everyday life.
Bạn đang xem: May have, might have, must have
At the kết thúc of this topic you will:
Be able khổng lồ formulate deductions about the past in different degrees of assertiveness based on the modal verbs must have, may have, and might have to lớn express them in your daily life.
The following information is important for you lớn be read so that you get familiar with the grammar structure of the modals + have sầu.
We use the modals must have, may have and might have + past participle to express past probability. • If you are sure that something occurred in the past, must have sầu + past participle must be used. • If you are not sure that something occurred in the past, may have + past participle or might have sầu + past participle must be used. Important: may have sầu + past participle và might have + past participle can be used the same way. In other words: We use must have + past participle khổng lồ express that we are 100% sure that something occurred in the past.
Example: • They are not here. They must have left early. (I’m 100% sure they left the place at any time in the past). We use may have sầu + past participle or might have sầu + past participle to lớn express that we are not 100% sure that something occurred in the past. They are only possibilities. Examples: • Paul isn’t here yet. He might have missed the bus. (I’m not sure if he missed the bus, but it is a probability). • The road may have sầu been blocked. (I’m not sure if the road was blocked, but it is a probability).
Rethành viên that you can use may have sầu + past participle và might have sầu + past participle in the same way. • The doctor isn’t in. He may have gone out khổng lồ practice a surgery. or • The doctor isn’t in. He might have gone out to lớn practice a surgery.
Have sầu you been far from trang chủ for a couple of days, and when you come back you find things in a different place, or you find out that the members of your family have sầu been doing things without your permission? Let’s read what happened lớn Sonya when she got bachồng from a weekover with her friends.
Complete the text by dragging the missing sentences inlớn the correct space, you have just two opportunities.
Activity 1What may have sầu you done?
Now, that you have already read about Sonya’s situation in the previous exercise. What would you have sầu done in her situation? Make a danh mục of 10 suppositions và kiểm tra your use of may – might have sầu + past participle or must have sầu + past participle.
Use the following Checkmenu khổng lồ check your performance:
RubricActivity 3
Listen khổng lồ Allan & Hugo describing the chaos at their trang chính. Play và listen khổng lồ the dialogue. Then drag và drop the phrases inkhổng lồ the appropriate box, based on the order they are mentioned.
Conner, D. (2015). Police Scotlvà. Retrieved from: http://www.flickr.com/photos/91779914
Have you ever wondered why accidents happen? Look at the pictures và write a short story (5 to 8 lines) saying what you think happened before each of the images were taken. Use the expressions with the modal verbs must have, might have sầu, & may have.
Manolo Guijarro, M. (2012). Reading newspaper. Retrieved from: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/">(license)
Continue with the following images.
NA. (2013). Train accident. Retrieved from https://pixabay.com/es/accidente-de-tren-locomotora-de-vapor-67775/
NA. (2016). Accident. Retrieved from https://pixabay.com/es/accidente-escombros-polvo-explosi%C3%B3n-1853151/
Steve sầu, P.. (2016). Wheel chair. Retrieved from https://pixabay.com/es/silla-de-ruedas-discapacidad-1595794/
SA. (2016). Car. Retrieved from https://pixabay.com/es/del-autom%C3%B3vil-difuminar-coche-1850065/
Efraimstochter. (2014). Moto. Retrieved from https://pixabay.com/es/moto-ciclistas-ciclismo-accidente-239882/
Sometimes when we know there have sầu been some accidents, we want lớn know why they occurred. We make our guesses, but we simply don’t know the real cause of those accidents. Now, look at the images, & record yourself saying what you think happened before the accidents. Use at least two phrases with the modal verbs you have sầu checked in this topic per image. Sover your audio file.
NA. (2015). Motocicleta . Recuperavị de https://pixacất cánh.com/es/motocicleta-accidente-por-carretera-1041070/ consultavì el 9 de enero de 2017
Your browser does not tư vấn the audio element.HansLinde, H. (2016). Accident. Retrieved from https://pixacất cánh.com/es/accidente-excavadoras-1753679/.
Xem thêm: Máy Nước Nóng Centon Là Của Nước Nào? Dùng Có Tốt Không? Máy Nước Nóng Trực Tiếp Centon
Brennan, P. (2016). Fire. Retrieved from https://pixacất cánh.com/es/fuego-de-casa-casa-fuego-peligro-1548280/.
Moore, K. (2014). Demolition. Retrieved from https://pixabay.com/es/extricaci%C3%B3n-accidente-rescate-421161/
Ludwig, D. (2016). Ship. Retrieved from https://pixacất cánh.com/es/buque-barco-de-pasajeros-naufragio-210488/.
Ryan, C. (2015). Accident. Retrieved from https://pixabay.com/es/accidente-sangrado-dedo-sangrado-743035/.
Now it"s you turn to lớn practice grammar through the following exercises. Drag the words lớn make sentences.
Exercise 1Remember that a modal + have + action in participle indicates something that may have sầu happened, just lượt thích a supposition. In the following exercise, drag & drop the appropriate option lớn complete the sentences. Example: Someone was knocking at the door. It must have been Mark. He promised to lớn come. (must - be)
Exercise 2•Thornbury, S. (2004). Natural Grammar. Oxford.•Azar, S. và Hagen, S. (2009). Understanding và using English Grammar. Pearson Longman.
Complementary references
•Coordinación de Universidad Abierta y Educación a Distancia, UNAM. (2011). English truyền thông media. Retrieved from: jualkaosmuslim.com.uphái mạnh.mx/english_media•English Exercises.org. (2017). Can - May – Might. Retrieved from: http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/viewgame.asp?id=6197
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Coordinación general | Jorge León Martínez |
Coordinación de desarrollo | Edith Tapia Rangel |
Coordinación académica | Amãng cầu Lilia Villegas Pacheco |
Elaboración del contenido | Rommel Alejandro Reyes Alonso |
Administración del proyecto | Maricarmen Hernández Cervantes |
Coordinación de asesoría pedagógica | Elisa Campero Malo Susamãng cầu Claudio Vargas |
Asesoría pedagógica | Andrea Lorena Ballesteros Martínez |
Coordinación de diseño gráfico e integración | Juan de Dgame ios Fuentes Reyes Fabiola Moncadomain authority Cortés |
Diseño gráfico e integración | Martha Beatríz Sánchez Fuentes |