evolutionary change/progress/development Sustainable business development involves systematically creating a better future through evolutionary changes.
A far more:evolutionary policy is required—a policy of utilizing every acre in this country that is capable of being tilled or grazed.
Current knowledge indicates that ticks have a life pattern that produces apparently conflicting evolutionary selection pressures.
To contrast mitochondrial with nuclear variation strengthens demographic investigations because it offers an independent view of evolutionary forces. Evolutionary biology differentiates " primitive " features that are present in a species và species ancestral lớn it và related species.
Alternatively male rarity could be too recent a phenomenon on an evolutionary timescale to lớn have sầu generated a female territorial response.
At the time of their writing, there was no explanation for diachronic change within societies other than that provided by race-based evolutionary theory.
Since the regulation of enzyme activity (left) is of great evolutionary value, a number of different levels of control appeared during evolution.
In the case of some và probably most males & females, facultative responsiveness makes great evolutionary sense.
First, note that shepard"s approach points the way khổng lồ a long overdue task: to compile what can be considered evolutionary constraints on perception.
In the over, preference for one source over the other may depover on whose evolutionary stories one finds congenial.
Nevertheless, novel biological & evolutionary understanding of language (and other cognitive sầu structures) may occur beforeh&.
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