Foster là gì

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They were discussing the best way lớn foster democracy & prosperity in the former communist countries.
used to refer to someone or something connected with the care of children, usually for a limited time, by someone who is not the child"s legal parent:
to take care of a child as if it were your own, usually for a limited time, without being the child’s legal parent
providing a home page or care lớn a child when you are not their legal parent, or receiving such care, usually for a limited time:
A thing has dignity when it is not opposed lớn the higher and nobler virtues but rather accords with them & fosters them.
The system itself fostered a constipated, inward-turning national posture, & attitudes of fear and hostility towards neighbours.
Because this object is not given by someone, a relationship with it incurs no obligation và fosters no dependency, as in gift exchange.
Theory posits cognitive sầu processes fostering acquisition as well as how these processes are engaged through đầu vào that a task designer can manipulate.
At 36 and 54 months, two additional ratings, fostering exploration và intrusiveness reversed !, were added to lớn the composite.
In the low-aggressive line, there are multiple behaviors affected by fostering and only a single behavior influenced by endotoxin, in interaction with the fostering condition.

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A social context of this type may reduce a child"s risk for depression by fostering a sense of meaning, belonging, & optimism.
Challenges at work are considered to be "steeling," fostering coping resources that alleviate the detrimental effects of subsequent stressors, especially those encountered in the workplace.
A climate of reductionism fostered the development of technologies that were applied lớn physiology và to the study of the nervous system.
Environmental policy, fostered by international agreements, gives a better explanation why pollution curbs downward at high income levels.
In the next section, we highlight the role of specific government policies in fostering these price changes.




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