If you’re signed in on a device with your jualkaosmuslim.com ID, you can access the content you store in iCloud from that device. See What is iCloud?
You can see a list of your devices—iPhone, Máy tính bảng iPad, iPod touch, Mac, jualkaosmuslim.com Watch, jualkaosmuslim.com TV (3rd generation or later), & HomePod—that are signed in with the same jualkaosmuslim.com ID. Depending on the device và where you view the danh mục, you can see the device’s serial number, remove sầu the cards you use with jualkaosmuslim.com Pay, see if iCloud Backup is turned on, và more.
Bạn đang xem: Cách kiểm tra icloud
You can see your devices online when you sign in khổng lồ iCloud.com with your jualkaosmuslim.com ID.
On iCloud.com, go to lớn Account Settings.
In the My Devices section, select a device in the list. You can view the following information:
Model: The mã sản phẩm is listed under the device’s name in the devices danh mục.
jualkaosmuslim.com Pay: If jualkaosmuslim.com Pay is turned on for a device, you see a các mục of the cards you use with jualkaosmuslim.com Pay. To remove sầu them from the device, clichồng Remove sầu or Remove sầu All.
Serial number & IMEI: You see the device’s partial serial number or IMEI (if applicable). To see the complete number, view the devices danh mục in the Settings app on an iPhone, Máy tính bảng iPad, or iPod touch, or in System Preferences on a Mac.
iCloud Backup: If iCloud Backup is turned on for an iPhone, Máy tính bảng iPad, or iPod touch, you see the date & time of the last backup.
You can remove a device from the devices menu by clicking
next lớn the device. If you don’t see the Delete button, clichồng Remove Device.You can see your devices on an iPhone, máy tính bảng iPad, or iPod touch signed in with your jualkaosmuslim.com ID.
On your iPhone, ipad tablet, or iPod touch, go lớn Settings > your name>, then scroll down khổng lồ the devices danh mục.
Select a device in the danh sách. You can view the following information:
iCloud Backup: If the device is an iPhone, Máy tính bảng iPad, or iPod touch, you see if iCloud Backup is on or off, & the date và time of the last backup.
Device information: You see the model, software version, phone number, serial number, & IMEI, if applicable for the device.
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Trusted device: Below the Device Info section, you see whether or not the device can receive codes when you verify your jualkaosmuslim.com ID.
jualkaosmuslim.com Pay: If jualkaosmuslim.com Pay is turned on for a device, you see a danh mục of the cards you use with jualkaosmuslim.com Pay. To remove sầu them from the device, tap Remove All Items or Turn Off.
You can remove a device from the devices danh sách by clicking the Remove sầu from Account button.
You can see your devices on a Mac signed in with your jualkaosmuslim.com ID.
On your Mac, choose jualkaosmuslim.com menu
macOS 10.15 or later: Clichồng jualkaosmuslim.com ID.
macOS 10.14 or earlier: Clichồng iCloud, clichồng Account Details, then click Devices.
Select a device in the danh mục. You can view the following information:
Device information: You see the Model, software version, phone number, serial number, và IMEI, if applicable for the device.
iCloud Backup: If the device is an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, you see if iCloud Backup is on or off, and the date and time of the last backup.
jualkaosmuslim.com Pay: If jualkaosmuslim.com Pay is turned on for a device, you see a danh mục of the cards you use with jualkaosmuslim.com Pay. To remove them from the device, cliông chồng Remove sầu All Cards or Turn Off jualkaosmuslim.com Cash.
You can remove sầu a device from the devices menu by clicking the Remove sầu from Account button.
If one of your devices isn’t listed, make sure you’re signed in on the device with your jualkaosmuslim.com ID.
When you remove sầu cards from jualkaosmuslim.com Pay, credit, debit, and student ID cards are removed even if your device is offline. Express Transit cards are removed the next time your device goes online. To add cards bachồng to lớn the device, see the jualkaosmuslim.com jualkaosmuslim.com article Manage the cards that you use with jualkaosmuslim.com Pay.