a mix idea that people have sầu about what someone or something is lượt thích, especially an idea that is wrong:
Bạn đang xem: Stereotype nghĩa là gì
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khổng lồ have sầu a mix idea about what a particular type of person is lượt thích, especially an idea that is wrong:
an idea that is used khổng lồ describe a particular type of person or thing, or a person or thing thought to lớn represent such an idea:
The baông chồng of the thực đơn, lượt thích the club name, inverted another old female stereotype, this time women"s supposed cattiness aao ước themselves.
Not surprisingly, stronglybuttressed social stereotypes are extremely tenacious; nevertheless, they can be a poor basis for scientific work.
Drawings as well as travel accounts were used as a database of ready-made stereotypes for those who used the literature of travel as referential background.
However, in an earlier stage to lớn collaborative sầu approaches, the user modeling community provided a different answer, namely the stereotype approach.
It is little wonder that many elderly people should try khổng lồ dissociate themselves personally from the false stereotype.
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These essays challenge the stereotype of a male pioneer migration, establishing patterns và decisions that women would later follow.
It would be anticipated that at first hospitalization, when clinicians have sầu few data to inkhung treatment decisions, racial or ethnic stereotypes could influence such decisions.
Currently, stereotypes are always "hand-crafted", based on empirical observations lượt thích user type analysis or sales data.
It refers to lớn a supposed subculture stereotyped as uneducated, uncultured and prone khổng lồ antisocial or immoral behavior.