Nâng cao vốn trường đoản cú vựng của chúng ta với English Vocabulary in Use từ bỏọc những tự bạn cần tiếp xúc một phương pháp sáng sủa.

Bạn đang xem: Economics là gì

the study of the way in which economies work, for example, the way in which they make money and produce and distribute goods và services:
business activities considered from a financial point of view, và whether or not products or services are likely to make a profit:
Section 1 đánh giá the relevant literature on retirement plans & saving, education và saving, & behavioral economics.
I state them in terms of the igiảm giá khuyến mãi concept of normative sầu economics that welfare economics is supposed to encapsulate.
In law, in computer science, in mathematics, in economics, in politics, there are many things that have nothing to bởi with game theory.
Unlike a typical authoritative sầu collection of papers which is comtháng in more traditional areas of economics, this reader-friendly collection provides much food for thought.
Thirteen chapters cover taxonomy and distribution, production volumes, ecology and agronomy, harvesting, processing, economics và kinh doanh.
The economics of having these inmates "serve sầu all" may outweigh the demands of justice & the public policy concerns related khổng lồ crime prevention.
The first part giao dịch with a number of issues debated in the capability literature in development economics và development ethics.

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Over the last few decades, movies have become one of the most popular subjects of study in the research of economics of culture.
The issue became very popular in the 1970s and 1980s, with the flourishing of the new institutional economics.
For readers whose main knowledge is of plant-soil interactions, the book provides an insight inlớn issues related to lớn food security, economics and policy.
In empirical economics, you go and see how people behave in real life, in situations khổng lồ which they are used.
We argue that experimental standards in economics are regulatory in that they allow for little variation between the experimental practices of individual researchers.

